Kab Hana MT Program DA DE DS
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Stefani Kwan

Kab Hana MT Program DA DE DS

Stefani Kwan

Kurikulum Course

  • 1

    Business Intelligence (00:00)

    • Sesi 1 - Business Knowledge 1

    • Sesi 2 - Business Knowledge 2

    • Sesi 3 - Business Knowledge 3

    • Cheatsheet - Business Terminologies

    • Sesi 4 - Data Analytic Essentials

    • Demo - Excel for Data Visualization

    • Sesi 5 - Descriptive Statistics

    • Calculating Descriptive Statistics in Excel

    • Sesi 6 - Inferential Statistics

    • Statistical Hypothesis Test Cheat sheet (Optional)

    • Sesi 7 - Assignment #1 - Analisis Insight Bisnis Menggunakan Data Riil

    • Sesi 8 - Tableau Introduction

    • Sesi 9 - Data Preparation in Tableau

    • Sesi 9 - Data Preparation in Tableau #2

    • Sesi 10 - Assignment #2 - Tableau

    • Sesi 11 - Data Wrangling in SQL

    • Sesi 12 - Descriptive Statistics in SQL

    • Sesi 13 - SQL Advanced Query

    • Sesi 14 - Assignment #3 - Data Loading, Data Cleaning, and Data Preparation with SQL

    • Sesi 15 - Data Cleaning with Power Query

    • Sesi 16 - Summarize Data with Power Pivot

    • Sesi 17 - Data Modeling with Power BI

    • Sesi 18 - Data Driven Decision Making

    • Sesi 18 - Data Storytelling

    • Sesi 19 - Final Project

    • Sesi 20 - Presentasi - Tips & Tricks

  • 2

    Python Data Visualization (00:00)

    • Sesi 1 - Python Basic Syntax, Data Type, and Variable

    • Sesi 2 - Conditions, Control Flow, Looping

    • Sesi 3 - Function, Basic Module, and Package

    • Sesi 4 - Numpy

    • Sesi 5 - Pandas Introduction

    • Sesi 6 - Data Cleaning with Pandas

    • Time Series case study

    • Sesi 7 - Basic Visualization

    • Sesi 8 - Advanced Visualization

    • Sesi 9 - Assignment - Publication-Grade Plot

  • 3

    Python Machine Learning (00:00)

    • Introduction to Machine Learning

    • Sesi 1 - Regression Models

    • Sesi 2 - Classification Models 1

    • Sesi 3 - Classification Models 2

    • Sesi 4 - Unsupervised Learning

    • Sesi 5 - Feature Engineering

    • Sesi 6 - Time Series 1

    • Sesi 7 - Time Series 2

    • Copy of Final Project: Model ML


Menunggu data...


Stefani Kwan

Curriculum Developer and Instructor

Stefani Kwan mengawali karir sebagai programmer dengan mengikuti program Full Stack Javascript Bootcamp di Hacktiv8. Stefani terampil menggunakan bahasa pemrograman JavaScript, HTML/CSS, dan Python. Selain itu Stefani juga menguasai Javascript framework Vue, React, React Native, Angular. Saat ini, Stefani Kwan aktif sebagai pengembang kurikulum dan tenaga pengajar di Hacktiv8 Indonesia.


Sertifikat untuk Course ini

Sertifikat kelulusan akan diberikan sebagai penghargaan dan bukti bahwa kamu telah menyelesaikan course ini. Sertifikat ini dapat digunakan untuk menambah nilai CV kamu.