Daren - Python, SQL, AWS
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Stefani Kwan

Daren - Python, SQL, AWS

Stefani Kwan

Kurikulum Course

  • 1

    Sesi 1-6: Fundamental Python for Data Science (00:00)

    • Sesi 1: Intro to Python

    • Sesi 2: Control Flow: Conditional, Looping

    • Sesi 3: Function, Module, Package

    • Sesi 4: Numpy

    • Sesi 5: Pandas Introduction

    • Sesi 6: Data Cleaning with Pandas

  • 2

    Sesi 7: Visualisasi Dasar (00:00)

    • Exploring Dataset with Pandas

    • Visualisasi Dasar: Overview

  • 3

    Sesi 8: Visualisasi Menengah (00:00)

    • Word Cloud dan Waffle Charts

    • Map with Folium

  • 4

    Sesi 9: Membuat Report dan Visualisasi (00:00)

    • Publication-Grade Plot for London Crime Dataset

  • 5

    Sesi 10-12: Statistics (00:00)

    • Sesi 10: Descriptive Statistics

    • Sesi 11: Inferential Statistics

    • Sesi 12: Statistical Treatment for Retail Datasets

  • 6

    Sesi 13: Machine Learning Introduction and Regression Models (00:00)

    • Introduction to Machine Learning

    • Machine Learning Models: Overview

    • Regression Models

  • 7

    Sesi 14-15: Classification Models (00:00)

    • Sesi 14: Logistic Regression, KNN

    • Sesi 15: Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, SVM

  • 8

    Sesi 16: Building a Supervised Machine Learning Model (00:00)

    • Insurance Charges Prediction

    • Term Deposit Subscription Prediction

  • 9

    Sesi 17: Unsupervised Machine Learning Models (00:00)

    • Copy of Unsupervised

    • Clustering Model Evaluation

  • 10

    Sesi 18: Feature Engineering (00:00)

    • Feature Engineering

  • 11

    Sesi 19-20: Time Series (00:00)

    • Sesi 19: Time Series 1

    • Sesi 20: Time Series 2

    • Time Series Demo

  • 12

    Sesi 21: Python Data Science Final Project (00:00)

    • Solving a Problem with Machine Learning Model

  • 13

    SQL (00:00)

    • Sesi 1: Inroduction to Database and SQL

    • Sesi 2: Basic DDL, DML and Query

    • Membuat ecommerce_DB

    • Sesi 3: Advanced Query (Joining Multiple Tables)

    • Latihan SQL dengan ecommerce_DB

    • Sesi 4: Aggregation Function

    • Sesi 5: Subquery and Common Table Expression

    • Latihan Aggregation di SQL

    • File untuk Project SQL

    • Sesi 6: Project SQL

    • Sesi 6: TSQL

    • File untuk Sesi 7

    • Sesi 7: Handling Concurrency with Transaction

    • Sesi 8: Stored Procedure and User privileges

    • Latihan Stored Procedure and User Privileges

    • File untuk Sesi 9

    • Sesi 9: Database Indexing

    • File untuk Sesi 10

    • Sesi 10: Final Project

  • 14

    Data Engineering with AWS (00:00)

    • Sesi 1: Data Warehouse

    • Sesi 2: Data Ingestion with AWS

    • Day 3: Data Engineering Overview

    • Day 4: ETL with AWS

    • Sesi 5: Visualization with AWS

    • Sesi 6: Project - ETL dengan AWS

    • Sesi 7: Data Governance

    • Sesi 8: Final Project - Membuat End to End Data Ingesion, Warehouse, Visualization di AWS

    • Sesi 9: Docker


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Stefani Kwan

Curriculum Developer and Instructor

Stefani Kwan mengawali karir sebagai programmer dengan mengikuti program Full Stack Javascript Bootcamp di Hacktiv8. Stefani terampil menggunakan bahasa pemrograman JavaScript, HTML/CSS, dan Python. Selain itu Stefani juga menguasai Javascript framework Vue, React, React Native, Angular. Saat ini, Stefani Kwan aktif sebagai pengembang kurikulum dan tenaga pengajar di Hacktiv8 Indonesia.


Sertifikat untuk Course ini

Sertifikat kelulusan akan diberikan sebagai penghargaan dan bukti bahwa kamu telah menyelesaikan course ini. Sertifikat ini dapat digunakan untuk menambah nilai CV kamu.