Scalable Web Service with Golang - DTS Kominfo
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Hacktiv8 Team

Scalable Web Service with Golang - DTS Kominfo

Hacktiv8 Team

Kurikulum Course

  • 1

    Growth Mindset (00:00)

    • Introduction Growth Mindset

  • 2

    Sesi 1 - What is GO ? (00:00)

    • Go Programming Introduction

    • Variables

    • Data Types

    • Constants & Operators

  • 3

    Sesi 2 - Fundamental GO Programming (00:00)

    • Conditions

    • Loopings

    • Array

    • Slice

    • Map

    • Aliase

    • Strings In Depth

  • 4

    Sesi 3 - Function, Method, Pointer, Struct & Exported-Unexported (00:00)

    • Function

    • Closure

    • Pointer

    • Struct

    • Exported & Unexported

    • Assignment 1

  • 5

    Sesi 4 Interface, Reflect, Go-routines & Waitgroup (00:00)

    • Interface

    • Empty Interface

    • Reflect

    • Concurrency & Go Routines

    • Waitgroup

  • 6

    Sesi 5 - Channels, Defer & Exit , Error Handling (00:00)

    • Channels

    • Defer & Exit

    • Error, Panic & Recover

    • Survey Satisfaction

  • 7

    Sesi 6 - GO Micro, Web Services & Web Server Go Programming (00:00)

    • Web Server

    • Gin Framework

  • 8

    Sesi 7 - SQL & API Implementation (00:00)

    • Go Sql version 2

    • Gorm

  • 9

    Sesi 8 - JSON , URL Parsing on Go Programming (00:00)

    • Decoding & Parsing JSON Data

    • URL Parsing

    • Swaggo


    • Assignment 2

  • 10

    Sesi 9 - HTTP Request (00:00)

    • HTTP Request

    • HTTP Basic Auth

  • 11

    Sesi 10 - Middleware (00:00)

    • Middleware

    • Securing Our App With JSON Web Token

    • Assignment 3

  • 12

    Sesi 11 - Testing & Deployment (00:00)

    • Unit Test

    • Deploy To Railway

  • 13

    Sesi 12 - Final Project (00:00)

    • Final Project

  • 14

    Sesi 13 - Live Coding & Coaching Session (00:00)

    • Live Coding & Coaching Session

  • 15

    Sesi 14 - Showcase Session (00:00)

    • Showcase Session

  • 16

    Sesi 15 - Showcase Session (00:00)

    • Showcase Session

  • 17

    Sesi Feedback Kelas (00:00)

    • Feedback


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Hacktiv8 Team


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